The Medicine Angel

Meet Onaya César Maynas Bardales Soimetsa

An alliance of Medicine Power with Cezar a master of the Shipibo-Conibo tradition 🌿🙏✨😍

How Angel met Cezar:

“They” have introduced Cezar to Angel in a different level of consciousness. “They” have told him he has to establish knowledge forces, with other guardians of the medicines, from different areas. They’re encounter was orchestrated from above and was materialized in the physical plane.

Why Cezar? 

Because he uses the medicine with a good intention and he is a very good spiritual doctor. He is one of the few shipibo shamans that is truly connected to the light and does his work from his heart. He has the some concept of God and love and he is joining forces to support our great mission. 

Ceremonies that create an alliance between the ancestral knowledge of plants and angelic knowledge

The Medicine Angel & Cezar a master of the Shipibo-Conibo tradition

Shipibo name Konibo “SOIMETSA” (Beautiful and Well Done Work) Onaya Shipibo Konibo, with 25 years of experience in the treatment of medicinal plants and the master plant Oni (Ayahuasca). He has been recognized by Ministry of Culture of Peru through Directorial Resolution N D00000-2019-DDC-UCA / MC.

He has directed ceremonies in the United States of America, Russia, Chile, Mexico and Spain and his results speak by themselves. He has been a leader of the Shipibo Konibo community of Cangallo, Lima and has represented the Shipibo Konibo people at the ONU.

In Pucallpa, Irapai, he directs the “RAO KANO XOBO” center -HOUSE OF MEDICINAL ENERGY, where people from Russia, Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain, Holland, England, Romania, New Zealand, United States, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Chile have been doing  plant diets and healed through Aya.

The íkaros (sacred healing songs) of Onaya César Maynas Bardales deserve a special comment: they are generational inheritances that have been transmitted to him through his family tree of Onayas but at the same time they are instantaneous creations inspired by God and the spirits of the plant’s teachers, for the specific healing of the patient during the healing ceremony. These íkaros are true poetry in their own right, and at the same time they contain deep and advanced spiritual and medicinal knowledge integrated in the art of the word. The vibration of the Onaya Soimetsa voice emits a very beautiful frequency, high, serious, sharp and melodious that generates a spiritual energy surgery in the patient’s bodies (energy body, subtle body and physical body). Soimetsa perfected his ikaros with the guidance of his teacher, the great Onaya Antonio Muñoz Burga – Senen Pani (Suspended Vertical Energy in the Universe), recently deceased. The legacy of Master Senen Pani survives in the íkaros and the serious work of Onaya César Maynas Bardales Soimetsa.

He represents a Traditional Shipibo Konibo healing art at the service all brothers around the world.