The Medicine Angel


How you can prepare and what are the steps you need to take ahead of your inner work with us?

Preparing for your spiritual journey

For Ayahuasca Diet it is important to follow the guidelines for the Aya diet

The Ayahuasca Diet

Before the retreat, it is very important to follow the guidelines for the Aya diet. Please do not  worry if one day you have a bit of salt, or sugar. This will not spoil your diet or have a negative  effect, but the cleaner you manage to keep your body then the deeper your connection to the  medicine will be. 

Do, however, pay particular attention to those products marked with an *, as these can have a  potentially dangerous interaction with the medicine and so must be avoided for the time  stated. If you have any concerns then please contact us beforehand. 

Follow the basic principles, whole foods, fruits and vegetables, as those are very important if you want to have the best experience  possible with the medicine. 

If you have some special need concerning the food that we serve on the retreat (vegan,  vegetarian, allergies, etc.) then please let us know beforehand. We will serve mostly  vegetarian food along with eggs. If that is something you would prefer not to eat please inform us and we will do our best to accommodate you. 

Food to avoid during the diet: 

  • Foods Containing Tyramine 
    • Pork 
    • Aged cheeses 
    • Fermented foods like soy sauce, fermented tofu, and sauerkraut 
  • Antidepressants like SSRIs 
  • MAO-inhibitors 
  • Street Drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, marijuana, and MDMA *Alcohol 
  • Aspartame 
  • Chocolate (in large amounts) 
  • Salt (i.e. canned and processed foods) 
  • Refined sugar (i.e. sweets and junk food) 
  • Spicy food 
  • Dairy 
  • Oils 
  • Caffeine 
  • Energy drinks

About Medication:  

Do not take any medication at least 2 weeks before you come to the retreat. If you have any  doubts please check with us. 

About Medical history: 

If you have had any psychotic episode, or family history of schizophrenia please let us know so  we can set an interview to talk about the risks of taking medicine. 

About Drugs and Alcohol: 

Stay away from any substances for at least 2 weeks before the first intake, a month would be  better. Drugs, including marijuana and alcohol, will block your experience with Ayahuasca. If  anything external is present in your system you may find yourself spending the night dealing  with that energy and having difficulties connecting with your inner self during the ceremony.  

It is absolutely forbidden to take antidepressants, anxiolytics or any other medications in  conjunction with Ayahuasca.  

About Sex:

Do not have sex for a week before coming to do the medicine. When we have sex there is a  very powerful exchange of energy, and we recommend for you to stay as clear as possible in  order to have the deepest experience. 

Book your retreat here.

Pre booking: 

The way that we’ve chosen to write the content of our website was with the aim to provide future clients and those simply browsing, an abundance of information to pre-emptively answer any questions you may have. While you can always reach out via e-mail, we know that sometimes it’s nice to connect with another human being “live” to help support you in making the decision to visit our center and to entrust us with arguably the most important journey of your life. As such, we wanted to extend an extra service to anyone who wants to speak with our intake coordinator directly via WhatsApp. Please send us an e-mail through the Contact page and let us know what dates/times work best for you in GMT +1 and we will be in touch to schedule a 1 on 1 consultation to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Pre journey: 

As a part of your pre-journey preparations, we are pleased to offer each participant a complementary 30minute session with Plant Medicine Integrationist and Focused Coach. In this conversation, you will navigate your fears and replace them with desires, confidence and above all clarity for the transformation you are about to undergo.

Intention settings are going to happen while you are  with our facilitators and Angel, before you start drinking the medicine. Once you have booked your retreat with The medicine Angel, if you demand, we will give you the coach details and you can book your session with him/her, which should be scheduled 1-2 weeks prior to your departure.

Please contact us via the contact page.

Post journey: 

As we have already mentioned, it is our belief that the integration component to your overall healing and successful experience with The medicine Angel  is extremely important. As such, we encourage you to book an integration session with a Plant Medicine Integrationist. We are happy to recommend you one if you so wish. In this session, you will spend time discussing how integration has been going so far; the highs the lows, the successes and the struggles. Then, you will move into a powerful coaching session which concludes with an action plan and tangible steps on how to sustain the change that you experienced. Your integration session can be booked on demand, with one of our staff members, normally is to be scheduled 2-3 weeks after your return home. All you have to do is ask us via the contact form.

How to prepare pre-trip?

Centre yourself around starting to reflect more inwards and spend time with yourself and your thoughts and emotions. This can be quite uncomfortable at times as we live in a society which inundates us with outside stimuli and is constantly draws our attention outwards. Ayahuasca however, does the opposite; it gives us only one option, which is to go within.

Starting a slow disconnection about 2 weeks prior to your trip from all technology (i.e. TV, phone, computers) as much as possible is something we highly recommend. Reading books on spirituality or healing and spending your time meditating, listening to uplifting and enlightening podcasts is what we recommend as a substitute. For those that really want to go the extra mile, reducing or eliminating idle chit-chat and possibly even taking a vow of silence when not at work for example, will only add to your experience. We understand this is not always possible, but being aware of when you speak, what you’re speaking about and to whom, is just as good of a place to start.

Journaling about your intentions for your journey and directly communicating with mother Aya through inner dialogue or written word is highly recommended. The medicine knows the moment you decide you will work with Her and so you may notice things in your life starting to shift even before you get to us. This is all normal and to be expected. Be mindful of anything that may be taking place and make note of the shifts that you’re experiencing.

What to bring?

Please make sure you have  appropriate clothes for the weather that will be at the location. Please make sure you have some comfortable  clothes to lounge in the house.  Make sure you have some rain covers as well just in case. And remember not to bring the  whole closet! You are only coming for a small period of time. 

Packing list: 

  • A water bottle 
  • Comfortable clothes for ceremony 
  • Warm clothes for the evenings in the garden 
  • Cash for the taxi  
  • A red flash light (if you can’t find it we will provide you with one) 
  • A book that inspires you 
  • A notebook and pen for journal writing
  • The rest of the money in cash
  • Swimwear as we have pools and you never know how the weather will be

Thanks for your attention, and we hope to see you very soon!


Take a leap of fate and dare to go within, we meet you the other side