Path to enlightenment

Personal retreats open, to develop your full spiritual potential, with advanced techniques. Divine wants to prepare you to spread the light into this world. This will be a 1 to 1 personal retreat where we will host you in our personal space, our home.

Hello my beautiful brother or sister, 🙏🥰

If you are reading this message it’s because you have received the call! The divine call 🕊️✨

We open this personal retreats with heaven support. The first thing to know and understand it’s that in this individual retreats, the principal Guider it’s The Divine (Angels and powerful light forces that will guide the process). Of course I, Angel, will share all the knowledge that I have learned for many years from different masters from different countries. From those places I took the most valuable knowledge, which I applied in my life and it guided me to the full connection I have now, with divine and God. But the most important knowledge that you will receive is the sacred knowledge from divine, secrets that I received in all the time working with Angels and heavenly masters.

This knowledge doesn’t have price, only you need to be responsible with this, always understand that if you received it in this moment of your life is because you’re ready to receive it, and while you are here with us, you will understand how important is this information and how you will use it, responsibly, when you go back home.

If divine is opening this knowledge it’s because the time of the earth is changing, the vibration of the planet is increasing, and the light needs to prepare pure hearts to spread light and knowledge in different parts of the world, this is the principal intention of this retreat, that you can find divine in you, and your own connection to help the world 🙏✨🕊️


The location will be in Garopaba, Brazil, it’s a really safe place, one of the safest in Brazil, is a place where children can still play in the streets without any danger, people are calm, you can go for a walk at any time and you will be fine, this is why we are here.

You will need to fly into Florianopolis airport, Brazil. 

This region it’s an open portal that favours the spiritual development and the connection. This is one of the reasons that we were guided to come here.

We are surrounded by 100% nature environment, we have the beach 5 min from the house and we live in a sacred set of mountains near the coast.

We will help you in all the process to come until here finding best prices for flights and airport pick up.

Airport is 90min from the location so we will put a fair price 60€ which covers the petrol and the toll.  You can come in a bus too, but we recommended the pickup.

This is what is included


The price that we will put for it it’s to convert it to earthly energy that is Ayurveda food, accommodation, the price of medicine and the human energy invested to prepare the food and support your process.

We calculate the price honourably, because it’s one of the things that divine teaches, we are ONE, and this is the meaning to be God in action, you need to treat every being in this world like you treat yourself, for this reason we will put this fix price just too covert the earthly energy, which is fair and honest.

The price for 7 days is 700€ for the accommodation, food, human energy and 150€ for the facilitator in the ceremonies. Total 850€ per week.

  • Maximum time to stay 4 weeks in a row, because this is the time that we consider that you can learn a lot and you can spread with responsibility the sacred and hidden knowledge
  • Minimum should be 2 weeks which can really change your life 

This will be the human value for the work that other people from my team will do for you to come the rest will be donation, as you feel.

About the knowledge that you will receive from my part, from years of experience and more important from divine, the truth is that it doesn’t have a price… It is incalculable because it comes from another space of consciousness.

For this reason we open in a completely voluntary way that you can offer your gratitude as a donation as much as you feel to offer for this exchange.

We are open to receive donation as an expression from your heart, this amount you will give, for what you receive, will go to different charities and to the divine plan: to expand the light in this planet, for this reason everything that you give to divine will go to divine only – which is to create a better world. We are not using this money for us, this money is meant to help us to continue sharing the message, so that people who don’t have the means to pay can benefit from this knowledge too.  

Book Your Retreat

We have a limited amount of spaces available. Please use the booking form below to secure a spot.

Please include your country code
Please accept the Risk Consent to proceed
Please accept the Terms & Conditions to proceed

Terms of use

At the moment the passenger makes the reservation on our website or via email, he voluntary agrees to undergo traditional shamanic care, offered by our Shaman and those part of the team. He voluntary agrees to undergo the techniques offered by us, by his own will and he understands that this may mean the consumption of medicinal plants and the medicinal tea known as Ayahuasca. The shaman and the staff can’t be hold liable under no circumstance no matter what the outcome is, as anyone attending  the healing space is doing it willingly and at their own risk.

The medicine Angel  will never force anyone to drink the Ayahuasca tee, or any other plants, in order to receive the shamanic care offered in ceremony with icaros and music. The passenger voluntary participate in the shamanic program.

The tourist is aware that even if he / she has past the initial medical screening required ahead of coming in us,  he or she needs to inform those at The medicine Angel, of any illness they may have or any medical treatment they are undergoing. The medicine Angel crew will not be made responsible for omission of any such information.

Privacy policy

We keep all of your personal information private and will only contact you to send information about The medicine Angel. We will not share or sell your information with our knowledge. All medical, personal, and spiritual information remains confidential, and is only shared with our shamans and necessary staff / facilitators.

We collect your information when you maybe register for a workshop, fill out a form (such as the contact form), sign up for a newsletter, or enter other information on our site. You may be asked to enter your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information, medical history, or other details to facilitate the booking process.

We may use your personal information to process your transactions, communicate with you and send information regarding your booking, or to send information regarding activities of The medicine Angel.

T & C

 Please note that our policies are subject to change at any time without giving priory notice.

  1. All reservations require a 100 euro electronic deposit of the total retreat amount.

Your reservation is securely payable through PayPal and is your commitment to saving your spot for a retreat. Please note that a 100 euro deposit is due for each person attending, so in the case of traveling as a couple or group each person is responsible for their portion of the payment.

2. The remainder of your payment is due upon arrival in cash in euro bills.

A local house  will be our meeting point at the start of your retreat (this location is disclosed during reservation correspondence). The remaining balance will be due at this time in cash in euro bills.

3. If you decide to leave your retreat early there will be no refunds, and you are responsible for travel expenses and accommodations thereafter.

We understand there may be some unforeseeable circumstances that cause you to choose to leave your retreat early. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a refund in this case, but we will compassionately try to assist in arranging your travel back. Kindly note that our staff is not beholden to do so however, and that you will be responsible for any expenses incurred during your travel back.

4. In the case of being late to your retreat, we are unable to prorate any missed days

We highly recommend you plan your arrival to us 1 day in advanced, to mitigate the chances of being late. In the event of extreme delays, such as weather affecting your flight, please contact our staff as soon as you are aware. We will do our best to accommodate extenuating circumstances at our discretion, but please note we are unable to prorate any missed days and you are responsible for any additional expenses to travel. You may choose to use your initial deposit towards a future retreat instead, as space allows.

Return policy

  1. There are no refunds available for cancellation, however in the event of cancelling with the intent of rescheduling for yourself, please be in contact with our staff as soon as you aware.

Any person receiving a transferred deposit, must complete a medical screening and approval by our intake staff as is required of all our guests before being accepted.

2. An electronic deposit cannot be applied towards any remaining balance, for yourself or for another guest. Balances due at the start of any retreat are required to be paid in cash.

We are not responsible for refunding travel expenses. In the event of cancellation for any reason, we cannot be responsible for travel expenses. For this reason, we recommend considering travel insurance that has a “cancellation for any reason” policy so that you may be compensated through that agency.

3. We are committed to providing a safe and loving atmosphere and as such there are offenses we consider intolerable that will lead to expulsion without a refund:

  • Sexual harassment towards any guest or staff
  • Behaviour that puts your or another’s safety at risk
  • Bringing or consuming any substances/drugs
  • Possession of or threatening another with any weapon
  • Disruptive, aggressive, or abrasive behavior that creates discomfort or interferes with the healing process of other guests
  • Theft

We appreciate you committing to contributing to a respectful, constructive, and loving space for yourself and your fellow guests.

4. If we must cancel the retreat to unforeseen circumstances (such as natural disaster or political unrest) we will refund the amount that has been paid or apply it towards a future retreat as space allows.

We are not, however, responsible for any travel expenses.

5. We reserve the right to withhold any ceremony if deemed medically unsafe. All guests are required to go through a medical intake assessment before acceptance.

For the safety of all our guests, it is utterly important that you are current and honest with any and all of the medical conditions, medications, herbs or supplements you may have or are taking. A medical assessment will be completed by our intake coordinator before acceptance to ensure compatibility with the plant medicines offered by us. This is not a replacement for consulting with your primary care provider.

To avoid adverse interactions, we may choose to withhold any ceremony at our discretion, this includes ayahuasca, rapé, pre-ayahuasca purgatives, and any other plants or medicines we use.

6. We reserve the right to not accept guests.

For your safety and others, we may choose to refuse admittance at our discretion. In this case (with the exception of having committed any of the offenses listed in number 3 you will be refunded any amount paid toward your retreat.